Board Members
Your association management company should make your life easier, not harder. Joyful Homes will help you with everything you need to keep your community running smoothly, and we promote an open and honest exchange between the Board and their membership. You work to keep homeowners happy and we work to keep you happy. This is what you can expect from Joyful Homes:
Agent vs. Contractor – Expect Joyful Homes to be aware of our fiduciary responsibility to your association and to do what is in the best interest of your community.
Professional Advisor – Expect Joyful Homes to professionally advise the Board on issues within our scope of knowledge and alert the Board when consulting with other professionals is prudent.
Professionalism – Expect that Joyful Homes will conduct business in a professional manner.
Communication – Expect Joyful Homes to establish and promote effective communication with your Board and membership.
Resources – Expect Joyful Homes to be a valuable resource for quality goods and services.
Technology – Expect Joyful Homes to provide the best solution for the biggest problem facing communities today – communication!
Trust & Confidence – Expect Joyful Homes to protect privileged association information.
Flexibility – Expect Joyful Homes to be flexible and willing to revisit service levels as Board or membership needs dictate.
Quality Customer Care – Expect Joyful Homes to establish and maintain a high-quality customer care program.